10 ways to bridge cultural diversity

These simple tips can create a more positive and productive cultural exchange. When interacting with people from different cultures, it’s essential to be aware of cultural norms https://gardeniaweddingcinema.com/mail-order-bride-sites/ and customs. Additionally, it’s helpful to pay attention to the individual’s social context. When encountering cultural differences, clarify any misunderstandings https://casestudytemple.com/hungarian-women-perceive-threats-from-intensifying-patriarchy/ or awkwardness by asking for clarification. Respecting the customs and traditions of the people you’re visiting is important. This can mean following their lead when it comes to behavior and dress. It also means you should try to learn about their culture and history.

  • Otherwise be sure to avoid using slang or sarcasm, and discussing politics, religion and money as these subjects are not acceptable everywhere.
  • This can be done through discussions at dinner or during recreational activities.
  • These simple tips can create a more positive and productive cultural exchange.
  • By clarifying any misunderstandings or awkwardness, you can ensure that both parties are on the same page and achieve their goals more smoothly.
  • Consent forms are also the responsibility of the provider but you may sigh translate as long as the provider is present.
  • Bridging cultural gaps among people in a diverse group requires more than patience and understanding.

Here, discourse refers to the discussion about those conventions and practices and the communications that occur within that context. These practices also interact with the location, which in Grabill’s view refers to both the physical and the situational contexts in which practices and communication occur. This should sound familiar to any practitioner who has studied audience analysis, or who has even pondered how the physical and situational contexts affect the design of our communication. This article will examine the process of communication in terms of need, opportunity and means. It will also examine the potential benefits of improved communication between health care professionals and community members in terms of what health care professionals might learn from the community.


This article suggests what teachers can do to provide all students with opportunities for academic success. Changing demographics, particularly in Pre-k-12 classrooms, have dramatically affected the need for teachers to be responsive and sensitive to the variety of cultures in the United States. Efforts to acknowledge, embrace, and affirm all students should be evident in every aspect of the school environment. In the Arab world, people tend to engage in business with partners they know, trust and like. Therefore what may look like lengthy small talk can actually be a way to determine whether you are a suitable business partner. It is thus well worth investing time to engage with and get to know your counterparts.

Nonverbal Communication And Intercultural Communication

In short, students are forced to focus on satisfying their immediate needs rather than thinking more deeply about the situation and whether and how it should be changed. I’m not sure that this is a revelation to practitioners—we are keenly aware of how unreasonable workloads and deadlines can lead to a rigid and narrow focus on simply getting the writing done, no matter how poorly. But it’s an important reminder to us that even under deadline pressure, we should never forget the needs of our audience.

A famous example of attempting to display respect to a certain culture was greeted with much disdain. Japanese culture is steeped in tradition and individuals are viewed with regard to a perceived hierarchy. Never in world history had an American leader bowed before one who is viewed to be “lower” on the hierarchical ladder. This simple gesture, which Obama likely perceived as an attempt to show respect, was not well-received on either side of the pond, and could have been circumvented with a little research into Japanese culture and American political ties to Japan.

Avoid words that require a dictionary when communicating cross-culturally. Teachers should consider personalizing the content by using the places, locations, and names familiar to students or using analogies to relate new concepts to experiences within students’ backgrounds. Ladson-Billings and Moll and colleagues found that students’ academic performance https://www.wfjzzn.com/index.php/2023/01/18/how-to-get-laid-in-sweden-where-to-pick-up-and-date-girls/ is strengthened when students’ community knowledge is tapped. Denise Pirrotti Hummel, CEO of cross-cultural advisory firm Universal Consensus, says that while acceptable personal space in a business meeting in the U.S. is 2.5 feet, every culture has its own acceptable space proximity. You spent years in grade school learning all the grammar and intricacies of English. Why spend more time learning a whole new language—especially when so much of the world speaks English already? Well, the fact that almost everyone can already speak English makes learning a foreign language all the more impressive.

Community-based game design: experiments on social games for commonsense data collection

Not all people will respond the same in certain circumstances, largely due to their cultural or ethnic sensitivities. “Evidence reflects that particular styles of and approaches to leadership may not be as successful with all cultural groups” (Aritz & Walker, 2014). Leaders working with either groups or individuals face many challenges today. It’s highly likely that most groups will be made up of individuals from across many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Leadership styles and techniques must be made inclusive of culturally sensitive issues and tendencies. Some people have been taught that being direct and straightforward is the most effective way to solve problems. Straight to the point with little or no deviations in order for all those involved to remain focused on the task at hand.

However, regardless of culture, a good team has engaged members that strive for excellence. Bridging the Gap introduces us to young Kpadehee, a Muslim from Liberia setting off on the exciting yet overwhelming journey to the United States. This book takes us through his journey – a similar journey taken by many – and the common division between African-Americans and Africans from Africa, and also the division between Christians and Muslims.