Latin American Women Filmmakers

Latin America needs public intervention to promote entrepreneurship in order to improve the quality of life and, in the long term, to make viable the possibilities of growth and economic and social development . This document compiles and analyses the main experiences and initiatives implemented to promote the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. This study is an analytical and comparative document that includes the main experiences and initiatives implemented in the Latin American region to encourage the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. The primary objectives of this study are to identify, contextualise, and analyse successful practices and initiatives at national and international levels for attracting, training, and promoting the participation of women and girls in STEM. The study systematises and compares policies and initiatives focused on gender equality in STEM. This list is by no means exhaustive, and further figures like Rosario Castellanos of Mexico and Celia Amorós of Spain should not be forgotten as they influenced the positions developed by these thinkers. All of these women dared to be thinkers at times when being a Latin American woman in philosophy was unheard of, and they have come to form the foundation of a canon of thinkers that paved the way for new and emerging voices.

  • ECLAC member States adopted the Regional Gender Agenda which constitutes a progressive, innovative, and forward-looking road map to guarantee the rights of women in all their diversity and to promote gender equality.
  • The public instruments to support entrepreneurship in Latin America are heterogeneous and characterized by distinct paths and progresses.
  • Action should be taken to prevent digital transformation from worsening existing gender inequalities in the labor market.
  • Unfortunately, the impact of COVID-19 — which has had a particularly devastating toll on people of color — threatens to reverse this trend and widen educational and economic inequality in this country.
  • TheDominican Republicrejected a proposal todecriminalize abortionwhen a pregnancy is life-threatening to the mother, unviable or the result of rape or incest.
  • Latin American feminisms, much like Latin American philosophy, have shown concern over the authenticity of ideas that have traveled from epistemic centers (e.g., the United States, Europe).

The study found that participants in public programs had increases in sales, production per worker, wages, and employment in their companies. At the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing , the platform for action with respect to women’s equality and empowerment was defined. It changed the legal frameworks and created institutions oriented to develop and promote gender equality in several countries. A fundamental aspect for business development is access to financing, which can influence the success of new and growing women-owned businesses . In the financial system, the role of institutions is to capture resources from family savings and then, through credit, allocate them to investment projects and business and family initiatives. In this sense, the financial system is related to the economic progress of developing countries because it stimulates savings, capital accumulation, and a better allocation of resources or productive efficiency . Concerning female work activity in Latin America, the percentage of women who own a business is 2.8%, which represents less than half the percentage of male business owners .

Much of the discrimination experienced by women in the working environment is related to motherhood. In Latin America and the Caribbean, more than half of the more on economies in the region have no legislation that guarantees 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, which is regarded as the minimum time. “To believe in our potential as women is important and urgent in order to transform our society,’’ states Segura and this will be possible in countries that guarantee frameworks that protect women in various spheres, including in the working environment.

In 2016, the Americas Program was set up with the clear forward-looking mission to elevate discussion on the hemisphere to a strategic level. Today, throughout Latin America, much is being discussed and written about the role of women. We want to add our voice to these discussions by highlighting profiles of regional female leaders who are agents of change—those women who deliberately promote and enable gender equality within their own group and organization. While we have made significant progress in understanding drivers of breast cancer, most studies and clinical trials are in non-Hispanic white women. Increasing participation of underrepresented groups provides an opportunity to gain valuable insights into tumor biology and its variations among all people. This will ultimately enable the development of more personalized therapies and improve outcomes for Hispanic women and Latinas diagnosed with breast cancer. Social determinants also significantly influence overall health because they impact nearly every aspect of care, including access to insurance, preventive care, and treatment.

Sign up for updates on groundbreaking research and stories from the breast cancer community. By using this service, you agree that you will only keep content for personal use, and will not openly distribute them via Dropbox, Google Drive or other file sharing servicesPlease confirm that you accept the terms of use. Sixty percent of Americans are satisfied with women’s position in the U.S., including 56% of women and 66% of men. Sign up to receive essential insights on the thoughts and feelings of people in more than 140 countries. Read more stories about women around the world on our International Women’s Day page.

More than 50% of women in Latin America reported having experienced stress “yesterday” in 2020, while 44% of men reported having felt that way. Lastly, the consequences of the pandemic, such as quarantine and mobility restrictions, remote school and work activities, and increased violence against women, have all negatively affected the day-to-day lives of Latin American women. In 2020, the World Poll found that 46% of women in Latin America said they did not have enough money at times to provide food for their family, while 35% of men said the same. Radical Women in Latin America challenges both stereotypical views of Latin American women as easily manipulated and portrayals of women’s activism as inherently progressive. This book will make clear that women are capable of defining their own interests and their political identities, organizing autonomously, and even using violence, if they deem it necessary to pursue their goals. Throughout our organization’s materials the word “Latino” will be used as the term to recognize and describe all of those who identify with Spanish heritage. To advance the education and quality of life of Latinos in the Charlotte Region through scholarships, academic, and cultural programs.

Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

Several have formed theatre collectives—among them FOMMA (a Mayan women’s theatre company in Chiapas) and El Teatro de la máscara in Colombia. Some draw from cabaret and ‘frivolous’ theatre traditions to create intense and humorous performances that challenge church and state. Engaging in self-mutilation and abandoning traditional dress, others use their bodies as the platforms on which to stage their defiant critiques of injustice. Holy Terrors is a unique English-language presentation of some of Latin America’s fiercest, most provocative art. Equally important as legal action has been the movement’s efforts to break the stigma against abortion and help people understand the realitieswomenandgirlsface when they’re forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. In 2016,Planned Parenthood Globaland others began theNiñas, No Madres campaign to inform and engage the public about the consequences of sexual violence and forced motherhood for young girls.

In their own words: What does Latinx mean to Hispanics?

I am president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union , the global organization of national parliaments. It was founded 130 years ago as the first multilateral political organization in the world, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. As president, I direct the IPU activities, chair full meetings, and work for peace, democracy, human rights, gender equality, youth empowerment, and sustainable development through political dialogue, cooperation, and parliamentary actions. It is definitely worse in autocracies than in liberal democracies, which are thought to protect and advance those in need. In many countries, women are sexually extorted to get a job, access to health, education, or a social benefit. Corrupt police and corrupt judiciaries can also affect women and their children in lethal ways.

“Although the essays vary widely in the depth of their analysis, they disagree little on the significance of changes in society caused by the global economy and the participation of women in the public workplace.” In regard to the promotion of entrepreneurship, even though programs and projects are not necessarily articulated with the policies, it is found that some of the programs are getting good results.

Majority of Latinos Say Skin Color Impacts Opportunity in America and Shapes Daily Life

Business entrepreneurship is a generator of prosperity in the United States and Latina women, along with African-American women, are leading this entrepreneurial force. According to the Census, there are 1.5 million Latina-owned businesses with approximately $78.8 billion in sales. Georgia is experiencing the largest growth in the number of Latina women-owned businesses in the U.S. since 2017.

From my husband, that success comes with effort, that good things in life are not created as a result of speed but of perseverance, and that support for one’s partner is inherent to love. From my siblings, I have learned that family is irreplaceable and that we must take care of family. My best teachers are my three children, who teach me new things about life every day. I think that leadership styles have more to do with personality than with gender.

It is organized by ECLAC as Secretariat of the Conference and, since 2020, with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women). States, meanwhile, should track attainment by race and gender against their statewide attainment goals and establish interim metrics and targets for improvement. And investing in need-based scholarship programs that expand pathways to and through college for students of color would go a long way toward boosting access and degree completion. Lastly, since a high percentage of students of color start out at community colleges, states should improve transfer and articulation to smooth the transition between two- and four-year colleges. Gender equality is not a women’s issue; it is an issue for men as much as it is for women. If equality is advanced, it will be better for business, for public policy, for men, for children, for the family, and of course for women as well. A study by McKinsey states that advancing women can add $12 trillion to global growth.